Back In Toronto

It's been over 2 months since I've written a blog post. The truth is, I'm tired; physically, emotionally and mentally tired. When Kenzi was first diagnosed almost 4 years ago, I found that blogging felt therapeutic and now it feels like a chore. I do quick Facebook updates, but that's all I have the energy for lately. Feel free to follow along on the Prayers for Kenzi group or just add me as a friend if you haven't already. We live our lives day to day, never being able to plan ahead. We found out a few weeks ago that Kenzi was being sent to Toronto for treatment and since then it's been googling flights (affordable ones preferably for 6 people), emails, phone calls and zooms with all of our 3 new specialists, trying to find a social worker and patient navigator (who knew that was even a thing?!), looking for accommodations, confirming dates (or even tentative dates) to book stuff, trying to find funding to help us out financially (Toronto isn't cheap) and ...