1st Day of Chemo

Today was Kenzi's first day of chemotherapy. She received 5 different types of drugs through IV. Some were chemo drugs and some were the counteract the side effects. She tolerated it very well so far, but this is all new, so we will see as we go. Tomorrow she will receive 2 more drugs and then have about 2 weeks to recover from this round. At the end of 2 weeks if all is well we will start with a new batch of different drugs over a 5 day period and again have about a 2 week recovery period before we repeat the whole cycle all over again. 

We will continue to take it one day at a time and appreciate good days when we have them. Kenzi still has her spunk and is always making us and the doctors and nurses laugh. The staff here is amazing and we have such a great support team. (Below is Kenzi making slime and a lava lamp with one of the staff.)

We are so thankful for all your continued prayers and messages. Please continue to pray for minimal side effects as Kenzi continues with treatment. Please pray for our kids and family at home and please pray for rest for us here, as it has been a long week.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Isaiah 40:30-31


  1. Love her spirit! Her lava lamp looks like fun. Thank you for the update. Many prayers for all of this ❤️

  2. Such a comforting Bible passage. Continuing to pray. 💕

  3. One dose of chemo in! Love her smile in these photos, and pray she will have more smiling moments through the next couple weeks of feeling ill! Praying for strength and comfort for your family!

  4. Your lives turned upside down in such a short time! So thankful for the positive news that the cancer has not spread further. Our prayers are with you all. May you continually feel God's loving arms around you.


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