Today was a good day for a win!

 God is good! He heard EVERY prayer that was sent up on Kenzi's behalf and we are so thankful!


It feels so good to share some good news and this was the best we could have hoped for at this point. The bone marrow was clear as well as the PET scan. We feel like a huge weight has been lifted and it feels easier to breathe. We are so thankful for answered prayers.💕

The road ahead will still be long and difficult, but for today, we celebrated with slushies (from 7-11 of course). 

After we got the news, we carried on with our "roadmap" of treatment. We dive right into chemotherapy tomorrow, which is scary and relieving all at the same time. The plan is to do several courses of chemo to shrink the mass in Kenzi's chest, which is quite large. Once that is done, they hope to do surgery to remove the mass, then more chemo to kill any remaining cells. The course of treatment will take 8-12 months and will all take place in Vancouver, which seems so daunting when we look at the whole picture. We will spend the first couple weeks admitted in the hospital and once she's stable we can probably take her out in between treatments. We've graciously had an offer of an apartment not too far from here from someone who is out of town, so we are trying to make arrangements before we get to that point. We may be able to have some weekend passes to take her home to Vernon once she is stable enough, but that will most likely be months away. 

Although this is overwhelming, we are just taking it a day at a time. Please continue to pray for us. Pray that Kenzi handles the chemotherapy well and has minimal side effects. Pray for the mass to shrink at amazing rates that it astounds the doctors. And pray for us as we try to balance our family and hospital life. Linden, Ayden and Beckham are being loved on and are well taken care of, but it's hard not being together. We miss them so much. 

Again, THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers and support. We don't know where we would be without our amazing community and prayer warriors! You are all AMAZING!

  • "The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him." Psalm 28:7


  1. This is good news! Thank you Monica for the update. We will be praying that this mass shrinks fast.

  2. Wonderful news!! Have you also inquired with Ronald McDonald House to stay? It’s a beautiful house with 72 suites right on the campus and has all the resources and support your family would need. Let me know if you have questions - I work at BCCH and volunteer at RMH.
    Leah 604.862.8400 (went to high school with Wes).

  3. Wonderful news!! Have you also inquired with Ronald McDonald House to stay? It’s a beautiful house with 72 suites right on the campus and has all the resources and support your family would need. Let me know if you have questions - I work at BCCH and volunteer at RMH.
    Leah 604.862.8400 (went to high school with Wes).

  4. Wonderful news!! Have you also inquired with Ronald McDonald House to stay? It’s a beautiful house with 72 suites right on the campus and has all the resources and support your family would need. Let me know if you have questions - I work at BCCH and volunteer at RMH.
    Leah 604.862.8400 (went to high school with Wes).

  5. ❤❤❤❤ this! Thankyou Lord for giving Wes and Monica this gift yesterday of good news 💕 Praying for Kenz as she moves forward with Chemo and yes praying that she takes it well. Love you guys and so so thankful with you both!

  6. Good news for sure and we will be continue to keep you in our prayers !!

  7. We're so thankful that there is good news for your daughter! I can't imagine how difficult the distance from home is, especially with younger ones still there. We'll continue to keep all of you in prayer!❤

  8. Great news!! We are praying for MANY MORE miracles along your journey!

  9. This is such great news. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. Continuing to pray for healing for Kenzi!

  10. Great news,hope things continue going well


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