Round 2: ✔

Today Kenzi finished her last treatment for this round of chemo. We're thankful to cross another hurdle off the list. Somehow we're making progress. She did well with this 5 day round, she's just extremely tired. She spent every afternoon napping, which is the best side effect we could ask for. Other than that, she doesn't have too many complaints. 

Tomorrow morning if all goes well we will get to take her back to the apartment and stay there until her next round, which should start next Friday. We will come back, when needed, for a few appointments in between. The nurses have also been teaching us to take care of her PICC line and give her meds, which we will need to do each day. Aside from that we are looking forward to having our own space and our own kitchen to cook it. 

Wes went home for 2 nights to see the kids and get a bit of work in. We decided it would be best for him to go while we're still in the hospital and have all the support here. He will be back when we are discharged tomorrow and come to the apartment with us. I'm a little nervous about it, especially with her weakened immune system. It feels a little like when you leave the hospital with your first baby and have no idea what you're doing.

Please pray that things goes smoothly and Kenzi stays healthy. Pray for peace for us during this transition and of course for healing of her body. We love you all and thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. ❤

He will gather the lambs in His arms; He will carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those that are with young. 

~ Isaiah 40:11


  1. Praying that the peace of Christ completely envelopes you as you care for Kenzie and spend time away from the hospital. Our thoughts and prayers continue for you all.

  2. We pray that God will continue to grant healing for Kenzi and continued patience and peace for You, Wes, Kenzi and your other 3 kids as a lot of things have changed and will continue to be uncertain for all of you all.
    We also pray for his continued guidance and Fatherly care to grant healing and rest both in mind and body for you all as well.
    May you find comfort in the assurance and his promises that he will never leave you. ❤

  3. Praying for all this Monica ❤

  4. Thanks for the update, Monica. Love and Prayers from the Bortucenes.


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