No Mo Chemo!
Kenzi is officially done all her chemo! It was the perfect way to end the year, but to be honest it felt like a premature celebration. While she is done chemo, we are waiting to see if she needs radiation and the chemo is still wearing her down. Once we leave the hospital with her central line gone, then we will have a big party.
We had a fairly quiet Christmas. It was nice to do gifts with our little family, but it felt pretty lonely having Christmas dinner by ourselves. Arnie and Cathy (Wes's brother and sister in law) came for 2 nights before Christmas with their girls and it was wonderful to visit with people again. We have kept to ourselves so much this year, just trying to keep everyone healthy and we are really missing in person visits. It seems that any time we plan to see people, someone has a cough or sniffle and we decide it's best to not risk it. My parents also came down after Christmas to celebrate Kenzi's last chemo with us, which was wonderful.
We are still in Pitt Meadows, going back and forth to the hospital for appointments. Kenzi has a CT scan and an MRI next Friday, the 14th and we will not know until the following Friday probably if she will need radiation. While they got clean margins during the surgery, they are still discussing whether or not low dose radiation will be needed. Please pray that she will not need radiation and we can go home to Vernon. Since this all started in April, Kenzi has spent less than 20 days at home and we are all feeling drained from it. We are allowed to go home to the Okanagan after her scans next week, but we decided that it is too hard on Kenzi to go home and have to come back, so we are going to just stay in the Fraser Valley until we know more. Thankfully our friends have offered us their house until we can go home for good and we are so grateful for them.
I know it's a new year and I feel like I should have some insightful or inspired feelings about it, but my brain just feels numb from this last year. We are tired of being in survival mode and are looking forward to actually living. Until that time comes, we will continue to take it a day at a time and learn how to adjust. Thanks for carrying us in your prayers and just know that we really look forward to seeing you all again soon!
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