Day 3

 It's the third day since this all started, but it feels like a lifetime. I had intended to post a small update earlier today, but now all those things that I was gonna say feel so unimportant. We were able to take Kenzi out onto a rooftop patio to enjoy the sunshine and as we were there the oncologist came with some news:

It is cancer. 

They don't like to use that word with kids, because childhood cancer is very different than adults and kids are super resilient, so when we explained it to Kenzi we avoided it and used the word "mass". No matter the term, it's a part of our lives now. We don't have any words, our hearts are just broken.

We will hopefully learn more next week; what type of mass it is and how to best treat it. The plan is to send Kenzi for a PET scan on Wednesday to find out if it's spread or not. The oncologist is very optimistic, but it's still too much to process.

Kenzi is a rockstar! She's feeling good and taking everything in stride. They told her that when we move to the oncology ward (which should be tomorrow) that she will have an x-box in her room, so I think that helped. I truly believe that if Wes hadn't pulled out that stethoscope, she would still be in Vernon running around at home and the playground at school. I'm so thankful for that small moment. 

(As I'm typing this Kenzi asked why I was typing so much. I told her "to let people know how you're doing." She responded with, "why don't you tell them 'I'm fine.' "- πŸ˜‚I seriously love this girl!)

We are truly thankful and overwhelmed by the amount of love an support that we are receiving from everyone! We are so blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing community of people. Please continue to pray for us and especially that this mass has not spread any further. If we do not respond, please know that we are reading everything and appreciate you all so much, it's just hard to keep up with this whirlwind. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my right hand."- Isaiah 41:10


  1. Hey Wes and Monica, I go to church with Jackie and Becky in Lacombe. I’ll keep Kenzie in my prayers! Also praying for you Momma, it’s a lot to go through!


  2. Hi Wes and Monica. I am praying for Kenzi and for you. Be strong and in the Lord. Please say Hi to Kenzi from me.

  3. Oh amigopara is Mr. Vermeulen

  4. Monica and Wes, you know we are thinking of you and praying for you. We met in the park on Thursday with the Valley ladies, like we always do, and Anita said it was "Pray for Kenzie Day." We hope to make that part of every day. Take care and be strong.

  5. Thank you for these blogs, and for letting us know how you all are. If we can help in some small way up here, please let us know. Kenzie, you, and the family, will be in our prayers.

  6. We are praying for you all. I cannot imagine how hard and emotional this is for you. What a strong girl you have!

    1. This is Kris Bortucene by the way apparently I still have a blogger account for my trip to Africa eons ago... sorry

  7. Wes and Monica, Kyle and I have you both and Kenzi in our prayers! As one of Kenzie's teachers I know that the WHOLE EC staff have and will continue to uplift Kenzi in prayer. God has this. I pray you feel his peace and protection as you walk through these next steps. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Praying as you navigate this journey... God is SO big! We will ask Him to Show up- and I have FULL faith He will! Its not fair.... but He won't waste it if you let Him! He's a God of Miracles, and His eyes are are on you ALL πŸ’ͺ✝️πŸ’ž

  9. Praying as you navigate this journey... God is SO big! We will ask Him to Show up- and I have FULL faith He will! Its not fair.... but He won't waste it if you let Him! He's a God of Miracles, and His eyes are are on you ALL πŸ’ͺ✝️πŸ’ž

  10. Your GBC family is all praying for you. Please know we are here to help in any way, and at any time that you need it. Praying that God would work a miracle in Kenzies body and that you would have peace. Deb Holbrook

  11. Wes and Monica, thank you for taking the time to share. I will continue to pray for Kenzi, your family, you. My class will continue to pray for her as well. May God's peace, blessing, healing, wisdom and mercy be with you and the medical personnel. Marian

  12. Praying for Kenzi. What a tough time.
    Love Roger and Cheryl and our crew

  13. Thank you for your blog posts! We continue to hold you all in in our prayers. ❤️

    "When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
    and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
    When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
    For I am the Lord your God." (Isaiah 43:2)

  14. Hi Wes, Monica and family. The overwhelming love of God is so evident in the outpouring of love, support and prayers on behalf of all of your family. Be encouraged.
    I join the army of prayer for you all.
    Danielle Locke

  15. Monica & Wes,
    I’m so sorry to hear about Kenzi’s diagnosis ❤️ We are praying for effective treatment for her and strength for you as parents. We may never know the why of Gods plan but we do trust He has a plan for Kenzi.
    Love and hugs, Joni


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