Another Week Gone

Another week has come and gone and it's been fairly uneventful, which we are extremely grateful for! I was able to sneak home for a couple days while Wes and Kenzi hung out together at the hospital. It was so wonderful to see Linden, Ayden and Beckham, but to be honest I felt a little lost at home. We are struggling with how to combine these 2 completely separate worlds. Kenzi was feeling tired while I was gone and had a bit of jaw pain, which is a side effect of the chemo. She and Wes dyed their hair purple together and she even gave him a handsome haircut. When I came back on Thursday she had perked up and was feeling a lot better. She hasn't needed oxygen for the past 3 nights and when the doctors listen to her chest, they are starting to hear sounds on the left side again. God is so good and He is answering prayers! Wes and I managed to sneak out of the hospital for an hour to check out the condo we will be staying in. It has a beautiful view and we feel so blessed...