Round 5: ✔

Five rounds of chemo done and one more to go before surgery! This is a big milestone that we've been working towards and I can't believe it's almost here. Kenzi's last round was 2 days and not as smooth as it has been in the past. She receives so much fluid as part of the chemo and had a bit of fluid overload. She had some laboured breathing on the first night, due to some fluid in her lungs, but the doctors and nurses were quick to give her medicine to correct that. Wes and the other kids came down on Saturday and brought Kenzi's bird along, so we were hoping we would be discharged that day, but it didn't happen. They wanted to monitor her one more night and then on Sunday before we left she needed a blood transfusion, which takes about 3-4 hours. It was Father's day and we were anxious to be together, so it was difficult to be patient. Once we were discharged it was so wonderful to be all together. We spent a quiet afternoon together and headed to a beach ...